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terms & conditions

1. Introduction


1.1.    Little Blossoms Tutoring is a tuition business, that carries out in-person, and where requested online, lessons in KS1, KS2 English and Maths, SATS Preparation, 11+ Exam Preparation and general homework help.


1.2.    Little Blossoms Tutoring is based in Enfield, Middlesex in the UK.


1.3.    This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for the services provided to you by our company and for the use of this website.


1.4.    Your decision to take up tutoring services with Little Blossoms Tutoring shall act as acceptance of these Terms and Conditions

2. Definitions


2.1.     In these terms and conditions the following definitions apply:


“Our Company”, “We” and “Us” means Little Blossoms Tutoring

“You” & “Your” means the Parent/Guardian whom is electing to take up tuition services with Little Blossoms Tutoring for their child and whom is responsible for payment of such services

“Student” means the child who will be receiving the tuition during the booked lesson

“Lesson” means unless otherwise specified, a one-on-one tuition sessions between a Student and a Tutor at an agreed time and location, whether in person or online

“Online Lesson” means a Lesson that takes place on any form of technology such as Whatsapp, online whiteboard resources, Video Call, etc.

“Trial Lesson” means your first session booked with Little Blossoms Tutoring. This session acts as a trial for all parties to assess the relationship between the Tutor and Student, the Tutor’s credentials and approach and to make a decision regarding future Lessons.

"Lesson Fee" means the total cost of your scheduled Lesson calculated using the hourly rates displayed on this Website


“Website” means the website on the domain

3.    Governing Law & Jurisdiction

3.1.    These terms and conditions and any dispute or claim (including non-contractual disputes or claims) arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any such dispute or claim will be decided only by the courts of England.

3.2.    If any clause or any part of these terms and conditions is found to be unenforceable in law, the other terms and conditions will remain in force.

4.    Student's Responsibilities


4.1.    The Student(s) should bring the following items to every lesson: books they are currently working out of, notebooks/paper, pens/pencils, appropriate stationary and any other materials as stated by the Tutor

4.2.    The Student(s) should come to each lesson with any homework set by the tutor, completed and be ready to discuss what they are working on. Homework is set by the Tutor to further the Student's knowledge and is not optional unless specified, where the homework is not completed, the Student must provide a reason as to why so that it can be addressed


4.3.   Where the Lesson is due to take place at the Student's home, space should be provided for tuition where a responsible adult can be accessible at all times. Under no circumstances will tuition take place in a bedroom

4.4.   Tuition will only take place where a responsible adult is in the house at all times. If a responsible adult is not at home for the full duration of the lesson, the lesson will be terminated or will not start, but the full lesson fee will be payable.

4.5.   The Student(s) should be ready to start the lesson at the allocated time. Any Student lateness will be dealt with as set out in Condition 8.2.

5.    Tutor's Responsibilities


5.1.    The Tutor will bring with them the appropriate study materials to every Lesson other than those that have been requested of the Student

5.2.    The Tutor will turn up for the Lesson at the specified time and location that has been agreed with you. If for any reason the Tutor will be late, the provisions within Condition 8 will be followed.


5.3.   The Tutor will provide up to 3 pieces of homework after each Lesson, in line with what the Student is learning about with the Tutor. 

5.4.   The Tutor will deliver the full-allocated session time as per your booking. Any time over this will be noted by the Tutor and where extra time exceeds that which is already included within the Lesson Fee will be added to your invoice.

5.5.   The Tutor will not do homework or assignment questions that are meant to be the Student's own work.

6.    Cost and Payment


6.1.    Your Lesson Fee will be calculated in line with the hourly rates displayed on our Website and will be confirmed with you prior to commencement of Lessons. Rates displayed on our Website are inclusive of a 3 mile travel radius from the Tutor's home location (EN2).

6.2.    Payment can be made in Cash, as a Bank Transfer or via the Revolut App

6.3.   Your invoice will be sent out each Sunday prior to your Lesson. Unless otherwise agreed, payment of the Invoice must be received by the Tutor prior to the start of the Lesson detailed on said invoice. If payment is to be done by cash, this must be received by the end of the Lesson. 

6.4.   For monthly payment agreements, your invoice will be sent out on the first Sunday of each month. The invoice must be paid by the date of the first Lesson detailed on said invoice. If payment is to be done by cash, the total invoice amount must be received by the end of the first Lesson detailed on the invoice.

6.5.   Trial Lessons must be paid for no later than 24 hours prior to the start time of the Trial Lesson. 

6.6.   All invoices and extra resource fees must be cleared prior to the due date to avoid a 20% late payment fee.

7.    Cancellation


7.1.    You may cancel a Lesson at any point before the scheduled start time of a Lesson. To cancel a Lesson please contact the Tutor via the phone number you have been provided with.

7.2.    Cancellations made more than 24 hours before a Lesson is due to commence will incur no charge.


7.3.    Lessons cancelled by you less than 24 hours before a Lesson is due to commence may incur a charge equal to 50% of the Lesson Fee unless the cancellation is due to Sudden Illness (of the Student or yourself) or a Family Emergency.

7.4.    Lessons cancelled by you less than 12 hours before a Lesson is due to commence will incur a charge equal to 75% of the Lesson Fee unless the cancellation is due to Sudden Illness (of the Student or yourself) or a Family Emergency.

7.5.   We may agree to waive the cancellation fee in extenuating circumstances, however this is at our discretion and will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Where late notice cancellations occur on a frequent basis we may have to terminate this contract.

7.6.   Lessons cannot be cancelled after the Lesson has started. If the Student does not show up within 15 minutes of the scheduled start time, the full Lesson Fee will be charged. Please refer to condition 8.

7.7.   Where the Tutor has to cancel the Lesson for any reason, you will be provided with as much notice as possible and the Lesson will not be charged.


7.8.   If you request for a Lesson to take place at an alternative date to make up for the cancelled Lesson, this will be done subject to availability and that session will be charged as per your normal Lessons.

8.    Lateness

8.1.    Lessons will start at their scheduled time. If a Student is late, this time will not be made up.

8.2.    Where the Tutor is travelling to the Student, the Student should be ready to start their Lesson at the allocated time. However, it should be appreciated that where the Tutor is travelling there may, on occasion be unavoidable delays due to traffic, extended communication with parents on a prior Lesson, etc. Where lessons start after their scheduled time due to Tutor lateness, the time will be made up at the end of the session. 


8.3.    Student lateness in excess of 15 minutes will result in a cancelled Lesson. The Lesson Fees and travel charges (if applicable) will not be refunded and there will be no make-up Lesson scheduled.


8.4.    Tutor lateness in excess of 15 minutes will be communicated by test message as soon as is reasonably practicable and will be made up at the end of the session. Where this is not possible your invoice will be credited with the missed time to use against the next invoice.

9.    Termination

9.1.    This tutoring agreement may be terminated at any time by any party, within the cancellation policy as set out in Condition 7.

9.2.    If we must end the tutoring relationship for some reason, other than for excessive cancellations or lateness, we will do our very best to give you sufficient notice and provide referrals if requested.

10.   Disclaimer's and Limitation of Liability

10.1.    We strive to provide the best possible service. However, we will not be held accountable or responsible for the academic success or lack thereof demonstrated by the Student. Although we will do everything in our power to help grades and skill sets improve, we can offer no guarantee thereto.

10.2.    We are not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, special, punitive, or similar damages arising out of use of our tutoring service, or any errors or omissions in the content of our materials. You specifically waive any and all claims arising out of the use of this tutoring service.

11.   Intellectual Property

11.1.    All materials we create in-house are copyright. You agree that you will not publish or distribute any materials without prior written permission from us.

12.   Changes to these Terms & Conditions

12.1.    We reserve the right to change these terms at any time. The current terms and conditions will always be displayed on this website. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with these terms.


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