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about us

Little Blossoms Tutoring was set up in 2019 with a goal to help as many children as possible to reach their full potential based on their own abilities. We offer at-home, 1-on-1 private tuition in the Enfield area to help children aged between 5 and 11 with KS1 & KS2 Maths and English, SATS Preparation, General Homework Help and on a selective basis we can also provide assistance with 11+ exam preparation.


At Little Blossoms Tutoring, we opt for a patient and nurturing approach to allow the child to learn at their own pace and to help them build their confidence in subject areas that they might be struggling in. Each lesson is completely bespoke as to the progress that student is making with an individual reward system to incentivise them to get the most out of their study.


Our purpose is truly to help as many children as we can which is why we offer free weekly resources regardless of whether you are a student or not, whether this is some extra maths drills to do with your child at home, tips on making learning fun or simply some book suggestions - if it can help with your child’s journey, we will do all we can to provide it!


If you would like to find out more, please get in touch to see how we could help your child blossom. 


  • Patient & Nurturing 

  • Bespoke Lessons

  • Rewards system

  • Confidence is key to progress

  • A-Levels: The Latymer School 

    • Maths (A), Media (A*) and Economics (B)​

  • GCSE's: The Latymer School 

    • 9 A*'s and 1 A​

  • Diploma in Insurance 


  • Early Years Phonics

  • KS1 English & Maths

  • KS2 English & Maths

  • Reading

  • SATS Preparation

  • Verbal Reasoning

  • Non-Verbal Reasoning

  • 11+ Preparation*


little blossoms tutors

Narishma is the tutor behind Little Blossoms Tutoring. To help you get to know Narishma a bit better, take a look at her Q&A below:


Q. Tell us a bit about yourself

Hello there! My name is Narishma, I'm 26 and I'm a private tutor based in Enfield. I've got 2 years experience in tutoring children aged between 5 and 11 in KS1, KS2 Maths and English and 11+ Exam Preparation. I previously worked as an Insurance Underwriter in the City of London but chose to leave that world behind to focus on tutoring. When I'm not tutoring I work as a Nursery Administrator. 

Q. Why did you become a tutor?

I chose to become a tutor because I thoroughly enjoy working with children and can't think of any feeling better than the satisfaction of knowing you have helped a child in their journey to realising their full potential. Schools are currently pressed for time and budget during school hours and this can mean that children are left struggling with topics but not necessarily able to get support with them at school, being a tutor means that I can offer this support for those children and help them work through the topics in their own time. It truly is satisfying when you see the sparkle in their eyes when they realise they have broken through another barrier.

Q. Where did you study and what are your qualifications?

I studied at The Latymer School in Edmonton between the years of 2005 and 2012, achieving 9A*s and 1A in my GCSE's and A*AB in my A-Levels. I then chose to go on to complete an Insurance Apprenticeship in the City of London for a multinational company so that I could complete my qualifications but also gain invaluable work experience. My own personal experience of the Secondary School Entrance Exams has meant that I have first hand knowledge of the system both from a practical point of view and an emotional one and can therefore relate to my students during the process.

Q. What makes your approach different?

I make my approach very much about the student, their learning style and taking things at their own pace. Having taught both boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 11, I know from experience that no one student is the same and it's very important to make the tuition relevant to their interests and hobbies, particularly when it comes to topics that they have an initial barrier towards. In my opinion the most important factors in tutoring which will influence the success of the sessions are patience, fun and repetition.

Often is the case that when a child is struggling with certain concepts, it might be that they just don't understand the examples being used within textbooks or worksheets. This is why I like to incorporate their individual interests into the lessons and use their individual learning style to make it more relatable and therefore memorable for them. Even by using their own name in the question can capture their interest!

In my experience, the more enjoyment that a child gets out of learning, the more they are likely to take on board what they are being taught. This is why I always use incentive schemes such as sticker charts with prizes or rewards that they set themselves from Day 1. Not only does this give them something to work towards but it also helps them feel involved in their own learning process. 

Q. Are you a qualified teacher?

I am not a qualified teacher. Whilst I have thought about going through this process, I do not feel it is needed for my approach. My main focus is on helping my student(s) overcome the hurdles they face in different subjects, whether this is by following the curriculum methods or whether it is through an alternative method.

Q. What is the number one piece of advice you would give to prospective or current students?

Make learning fun and learn in your style! If you like having things organised and colourful, you are most likely a visual learner so make notes, add colour, use post it notes, etc. Maybe even make a poster/brainstorm of each topic after you learn them to solidify your knowledge. If you like music and learn things quicker this way, try some audio tracks or record your notes to listen to! Some people learn better by doing or by being physical so if you are able to, use props or try making a sports game out of studying - perhaps try learning fractions by cutting a pizza or fruit!

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